Thursday, October 22, 2009

You know you're a mom when...

...your entire week is spent thinking about baby poop. The frequency. The consistency. The color. The inspection of. (Ok, that last one is probably TMI for you non-mommies out there.)

I know, I know, I have an entire week long vacation I still need to post about. But honestly, how can I begin to focus on that when this past week+ has been consumed by the all-too-worrisome topic of baby poop? I didn't realize this until I found myself googling "yarn fuzz in baby poop" a few minutes ago. It's not the first time I've googled a term ending with the words "baby poop" either, and something tells me it won't be the last. (Why was I researching "yarn fuzz in baby poop" you might ask? I'm pretty sure it's self-explanatory, but just in case you haven't quite boarded the Obvious Bus, I'll tell you. Eily had a strand of what appeared to be hair in her poo this morning, but upon further inspection it was a thin strand of yarn I'm fairly certain she swallowed while chewing on a fuzzy yarn blanket of hers.)

The yarn isn't the main concern regarding her bowels, however. What has me constantly pondering the poo is the fact that she's formed the habit of only going once every 7-8 days. I know, it's completely normal, especially for a breastfed baby. But still, I'm a mom. I worry about everything, poop included.

So, now that she's gone again and I've discovered, via the magic of the Google search, that my child is not the first in the world to pass non-food items through her digestive tract, I can begin pulling together pictures from our vacation in Maine and preparing a post. I can't guarantee to have it up by the weekend, but it will be here soon.

(Sorry if this one was a little too "graphic" for you non-parents. I won't apologize to parents. They know exactly where I'm coming from. You should all just be thankful I refrained from including any pictures this time around!)

1 comment:

  1. haha, Jessa, I love it! I'm a big poop inspector and I worry about it all the time too!
